Our MISSION is to take you back to the origin, to nature, and the unsure of wilderness. Be the fairy in modern society; the naturalness of Nature. To empower women and embrace natural body shapes. Through the lens of Monism


Yummi Liu

A fashion-driven and motivated Chinese fashion designer. She seeks balance in life as well as seeking beauty lies in authenticity. A plant-based animal lover, who tries to be sustainable and an ethical cosmopolitan citizen.

Contact Yummi for more info.


Design Philosophy

To be truly beautiful, one must be authentic to themselves. What I mean by this is that unintentional and unforced beauty brings out an individual’s authenticity. I think when aesthetics and style feel effortless, unintentional, it is more genuine to oneself. To me, real beauty is not planned. Of course, because we are individuals with our own experiences, beauty is subjective to each person based on their own definition of what “unintentional” really means. Notwithstanding, to me, beauty evolves when one is most natural and not trying too hard. True beauty comes from being an authentic self where one’s beauty is unique and unintentional.